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Ljubezenska pisma

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Ljubezenska pisma Empty Re: Ljubezenska pisma

Objavlja by misha* Sob Feb 16 2008, 09:57

A kind warm special beautifull princess! [9-26-2005 3:16 AM]
Hi,how are you?A long time ha passed ...I've been thinking ...since we talked or wrote to each other! I wanted to talk to you, to ask you about you, to know more about you, but I didn't know how to say it or what to say or if it would be a bother to you, I don't know,..I wanted a lot to get to know you more,..! I miss you warm special baby princess ...I couldn't hold back any more ...I wanted so much to write to you, to get in touch with you, to tell you how warm and strong my feelings are for you, to tell you how much warm close loving feelings I feel for you ...flowing out of my heart, to tell you how I feel in my heart for you special beautifull special friend ...it might be strange but it's how I feel and I wanted you to know ...I'm outgoing and I believe in truth ...it's true ...I can't hide my feelings ...it's how I feel ...so I decided to write to you ...!I hope you will be okey,...I wish you the best in anything that you might want to do! I miss you! I've meant everything that I've said to you, everything ...I do sweet beautifull baby princess!
I'd like to know a lot more about you, what you are like what you like,...to take you out and buy you dinner, to walk with you holding you warmly and close to my heart ...looking at your eyes ...touching your skin ...feeling your lips with my fingers ...on a quiet night with stars beside the beach just you and me ...whispering to your ears how warm and strong my love is for you ...how my heart feels when I think about you..I don't know what to say ...!After I saw your profile, as I read more I got more and more interested in knowing you! I felt more close,...it seemed as I should be close to you! I wanted to know more about you,...to talk to you,to date you ...!I felt well about you, you seemed a kind beautifull and special person,...not like many ...I was strongly attracted to something in you, your personality, your body, your character, your loving gentle heart,...I don't know what, but I was very warmly attracted to something beautifull gentle and strong ,...I know I'm sure, I know what I'm saying, and all this feeling was in you, it was coming from your warm inside person, your warm real heart ...!I don't know what else to say!I like you! The feelings that I have for you can mix me up a lot! I don't know if I am okey,...I mean I am but maybe I'm going crazy,...your warm sweet looks and beauty are making me go crazy,...I want you close with me, I want you know,...I want to hold you close your body touching my skin ...warm baby...I know what I'm saying, I'm saying this to you, this letter is for you, I mean every word that I've said,...!I don't know what else to say, sometimes you're out of words, or words might not be enough to describe the way we feel, but we know how we feel and what we want, we are sure, cause our heart guides us ...it makes no mistakes,...I, just,want to know a lot more about you, I don't know how else to say it, I want to hold you close, touch you, be with you, you turn on all my inside switches and make me feel warm and wanting to have you close to me ...I want to know a lot more about you warm beautifull princess,...I'll be waiting for your answer whenever that will be ...I'll be waiting ...if there's no problem!
I'd like to know a lot more about you, I mean it. This is no joke. I believe in truth and love. I'm always outgoing! If you would like to write to me my e-mail address is : xxxxxxxxxxxx or if you would like to send sms's or mms's or if you would like to call me, my cel. phone is : 0030xxxxxxxxxx without adding any more international dialling codes. I'd like that a lot!I would be happy it would be great if you got in touch with me! I'm not desperate, I won't go crazy, I won't die, I'll try but I'd like very much if you would. You don't have to believe me! I know it can be strange, when people can be so far away. I won't press you! I don't want you to feel bad in any way! I'll never do anything to make you feel bad, no ...never ...! If I've bothered you in any way, you can forget me! It's okey, don't worry. It will hurt me a lot! I will try to continue living!My heart will be broken and hurt! I will feel a lot of pain but it doesn't matter! If you will be okey, that will be good for me!It doesn't matter what will happen to me! Don't worry! I,just, want you to be happy! I won't forget you! You'll always be in my thoughts wherever I go! I won't forget you!
Take care of your warm sensitive rare beautifull heart, warm long close unlimited love, T.
Chief Administratorka
Chief Administratorka

Število prispevkov : 2364
Registration date : 15/10/2007

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Ljubezenska pisma Empty Re: Ljubezenska pisma

Objavlja by misha* Sob Feb 16 2008, 09:58

Živjo miška! Kak si kaj? Upam, da lepo? Kar ti mam povedati, bi ti verjetno moral kar po telefonu, pa to pač ne gre. Veš vse kar se sedaj dogaja, mi resnično že kar precej preseda. Po vse pravilih bi ti že zdavnaj moral reči zbogom, pa mi to kar ne gre, ker vedno znova razmišljam kako sem se s teboj lepo imel, kako sem lahko samo ob tebi pozabil na vse kar me je morilo. Resnično sem bil že zelo zaljubljen vate!
Ko zamižim te vedno vidim pred očmi. Res si nekaj kar si bi lahko samo želel! Vendar pravijo, priložnost zamujena ne vrne se nobena...Če to drži? Nevem kako bi se sedaj obrnil, da bi bilo prav. Nevem kaj je sploh še prav ali da se poslovim od tebe ali da naj se malo počakam? Še vedno mi je do tebe! Vendar ne vem, če se mi splača to še gojiti v srcu. Kaj si pa o vsem tem misliš ti, pa se sedaj ne vem, ker mi nikoli ne poveš. Počasi bi mi lahko povedala kaj imaš ti še v srcu ali samo prijateljstvo ali kaj več?Večno te ne bom čakal kaj se bos spomnila! Sama si rekla, da nekaj časa boli potem pa počasi popusti in lahko prepustiš še komu drugemu prosto pot. Nebi rad, da bi začel z katero drugo in bi mi ti čez nekaj časa rekla "zakaj nisem nekaj časa počakal", ker to potem se bolj boli ...verjemi sem to že doživel...pa ne zameri, kar sem napisal, nekaj sem moral.....CAUCI PIKICA (za M. od...)

Lubca, valentinovo, ni čist navaden dan.
Veš srčica moja ljubim te, pa čeprav se včasih sporečeva,
pa si gnjaviva drug drugemu, pa upam da bo tega čim manj,
pa želim si, da me maš rada, da bi bla vedno samo moja,
da bi bla vedno nekje zame, ko bi si te najbolj želel.
Tudi ti si vedno v mojih mislih veš.
Ti si ljubezen mojega življenja! D.
Chief Administratorka
Chief Administratorka

Število prispevkov : 2364
Registration date : 15/10/2007

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Ljubezenska pisma Empty Re: Ljubezenska pisma

Objavlja by misha* Sre Mar 05 2008, 11:24

Mnogo ljudi vstopi v tvoje življenje in izstopi. Vendar bo le resnični prijatelj pustil stopinje v tvojem srcu. Za obvladovanje sebe, uporabi glavo; za obvladovanje drugih, uporabi srce. Jeza je le korak stran od nevarnosti. Če te kdo izda enkrat, je to njegova napaka, če te izda dvakrat, je napaka tvoja. Prijateljstvo je zvezda, katera nam življenje krasi, samo pazi , da ne ugasi. V polnem srcu se najde prostor za vsakogar, toda v praznem srcu ni prostora za nikogar. Kdorkoli te zaničuje, ima prazno srce!
Lepi mladi ljudje so naključje narave. Zunanja lepota mine. Srčna nikoli, če jo imaš, seveda. Uči se na napakah drugih. Stvari niso vedno takšne, kot se zdijo. Včasih se zgodi točno to, kadar se stvari ne iztečejo tako, kot bi se morale. Vse v kar je potrebno je verjeti je to, da je vsak takšen dogodek v tvojo prednost.
Taka doživetja te bodo varovala pred napačno prilagodljivostjo, pred kimanjem in nepravo ponižnostjo,
pred napačnim odnosom do sebe in drugega. V takih trenutkih spoznaj, da življenje ni nekaj statičnega in poskusi ponovno začutiti v sebi njegov utrip in življenjsko radost.
Kdor izgubi prijatelja, izgubi mnogo več; kdor izgubi upanje, izgubi vse.
Uživaj, daj... Na vso moč!!!
Chief Administratorka
Chief Administratorka

Število prispevkov : 2364
Registration date : 15/10/2007

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